T06.9 Rural paz

Ethno-regional and farmers organizations from Nariño and Putumayo

The project seeks to build a stable and lasting peace in the implementation of the Peace Agreement

Implementation period
From 15/Feb/2018 To 30/Nov/2021

General Description

The project seeks to create a stable and lasting peace in the implementation of the Peace Agreement, by stimulating legal local economic activity, participation in regional management, and promoting a culture of peace and rights.

To this end, the project focuses on three lines. The first line promotes the participation of small producers and rural communities in agricultural value chains, through developing income  improving initiatives that allow them to face economic difficulties, climate change, and consolidate local and national markets.

The second line facilitates participation in regional planning for indigenous populations, Afro-descendants, and farmers, promoting regional development based on the communities’ proposals.

The third line creates a culture of peace, peaceful conflict resolution, and of nonviolent social dialogue in order to reconstruct the social fabric.

The project promotes economic, social, and political empowerment of rural women, and is implemented by national and international NGOs and CSOs, led by ICCO.

Contribution to the Peace Accourds

The project contributes to point 1 of the Agreement by developing local economic initiatives and supporting regional management. It implements integrated production, transformation, and commercialization plans in prioritized chains. The project strengthens development initiatives for the Awá indigenous people, attending to their culture and eating habits, which strengthens food and nutritional security, improves women's impact, and creates income.

The project contributes to point 3.2 by developing capacities in conflict resolution and peace building. Thus, the project promotes the resolution of disputes between indigenous communities, Afro-descendants, and farmers, the recovery of ancestral customs, contributing to community reincorporation and to the reconstruction of the social fabric.

Objectives and Results

The project focuses on:

●     Economic improvement of small  coffee, sugar cane, cocoa and chontaduro producers, through training, technical assistance, access to credit, and access to market.

●     Strengthening small and medium-sized companies as promoters of local development and job creation.

●     Strengthening citizen participation in regional planning spaces.

●     Economic empowerment of rural youth and women and improvement of their capacities in the food and hospitality industry, through the MANQ’A -– ”Hosts for Peace” model

●     Training communicators and social leaders in journalism and peacebuilding, and their coordination with a network of community radio stations.

●     Participation of women in regional planning and their economic, social, and political empowerment.

Investment Amounts
€ 3.630.000
UE Support
€ 945.000
€ 4.575.000

Featured Indicators
Indicator Goal Last Update Advance Current Value Status
01. Number of small producers who have increased their income thanks to their participation in the project 1.150 December 2021 128 % 1.472 Complete
02.Number of people, from the Awá community, who have improved their food production capacity in quantity and variety 450 December 2021 100 % 450 Complete
03.Number of producers (rural women) participating in farmers markets and improving their income 200 December 2021 100 % 200 Complete
04.Number of rural youth trained in the food and hospitality industry, with employment and / or income creation opportunities in these sectors 140 December 2021 127 % 179 Complete
05.Number of youth (men and women) trained in the food, tourism, and hospitality industries 464 December 2021 98 % 457 Complete
06.Number of SMEs improved according to AbB methodology 11 December 2021 100 % 11 In execution
07.Number of strengthened SMEs that have increased their sales 7 December 2021 100 % 7 Complete
08.Number of farmers becoming suppliers for the strengthened SMEs 600 December 2021 1078 % 6.468 Complete
09.Number of co-investment agreements signed 6 December 2021 50 % 3 In execution
10. Number of communities benefiting from the action, integrating their life and / or ethnodevelopment plans in the PDETs 10 December 2021 140 % 14 Complete
11. Number of indigenous reserves with capacities and knowledge to reincorporate ex-combatants 3 December 2021 400 % 12 Complete
12.Number of communities that have received training or participated in exchanges on peaceful conflict management and culture of peace, with the action’ support 6 December 2021 416 % 25 Complete
13.Number of regional community leaders and communicators strengthened with a diploma in radio journalism and culture of peace 200 December 2021 114 % 229 Complete
14.Number of institutions familiarized with the models 15 December 2021 73 % 11 Complete
15.Number of public and private entities that know the new rural women proposals 4 December 2021 425 % 17 Complete

Advocate Partner Local Partners and Co-Applicants
Países Bajos
Países Bajos
Stichting Interkerkelijke Organisatie Voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, ICCO

1. Comunidad de Awa Piguambi Palangala

2. Corporación de Estudios Interdisciplinarios y Asesoría Técnica  (CETEC)

3. Asociación Cristiana Menonita para la Justicia, Paz y Acción No Violenta (JUSTAPAZ)

4. Agribussiness Booster BV (ABB)

5. Stichting Vredesbeweging PAX Nederland (PAX)

Geographic Coverage

Project Resources

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Documents of interest